Doctoral Consortium
The Doctoral Consortium aims to provide a constructive setting for presentations and discussions of doctoral students’ research projects with senior researchers and other participating students. The two main goals of the Doctoral Consortium are: 1) to advise students regarding current critical issues in their research; and 2) to make students aware of the strengths and weakness of their research as viewed from different perspectives. The Doctoral Consortium is aimed for students in the middle of their thesis projects; at minimum, students ought to have formulated their research problem, theoretical framework and suggested methods, and at maximum, students ought to have just initiated data analysis.
Seminar outline
The Doctoral Consortium will take place on Sunday, March 24, 2013, at the ECIR 2013 venue, and participation is by invitation only. The format is planned as follows: The doctoral students will present summaries of their work to other participating doctoral students and the senior researchers. Each presentation will be followed by a plenary discussion, and individual discussion with one senior advising researcher. The discussions in the group and with the advisors are intended to help the doctoral student to reflect on and carry on with their thesis work.
Seminar program
10:30-10:45 Opening
10:45-11:30 DIADEM: Domains to Databases. Andrey Kravchenko (Department of Computer Science, Oxford University).
11:45-12:00 Coffee Break
12:00-12:45 (CANCELLED) Development of methods for a problem in multicriteria stratification. Mikhail Orlov (Higher School of Economics).
12:45-13:30 Collecting and Analyzing Data in order to Develop and Implement Municipal Programmes and Policies. Olga Molyarenko (Higher School of Economics)
13:30-15:00 Lunch Break
15:00-15:45 Context advertising automation for online shops with a large commercial base. Nazar Buzun (Institute for System Programming Russian Academy of Sciences)
15:45-16:30 Semantic Role Labeling System for Russian Language. Ilya Kuznetsov (Higher School of Economics)
16:30-17:00 Coffee Break
17:00-17:30 Wrap up
20:00-22:00 Welcoming Reception
Allan Hunbury (Vienna University of Technology)
Dmitry Ignatov (Co-Chair, Higher School of Economics)
Hideo Joho (Co-Chair, University of Tsukuba)
Jaap Kamps (University of Amsterdam)
Stefan Rüger (Open University)
Konstantin Vorontsov (Computing Center for the Russian Academy of Science)
Natalia Loukashevitch (Moscow State University, Russia)
Marie-Francine Moens (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Alexander Panchenko (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)
Participation to the Doctoral Consortium is free of charge.
Important dates
∙ January 18, 2013: Deadline for research proposals
∙ January 25, 2013: Notification of acceptance
∙ March 1, 2013 (changed, previous date: February 15): Final versions due
∙ March 11, 2013: Presentation slides due
∙ March 24, 2013: Doctoral Consortium
Please refer to the topics suggested at the main conference CFP.
Proposals must be written in English and formatted following the LNCS author guidelines ( The proposal must not exceed 6 pages including tables, figures, and references. The proposal must contain the following contents.
• Title of research proposal, Name of student, Stage of degree (e.g., 2nd year PhD), Affiliation, Name of supervisor(s)
• Abstract
• Motivation
• Research questions
• (Planned or ongoing) Methodology
• Progress made so far
• Future plan
• References
Please go to to submit your research proposal.
Selection Criteria
Depending on the number of submissions, we will accept 6 to 8 proposals. The doctoral consortium chairs will consider the following aspects of submissions when assessments are required.
• Relevance to the topics written above
• Stage of degree (2nd/3rd year students will be preferred to 1st or 4th/5th year students)
• Clarity and coherency of research proposal
A seminar notebook will be compiled using the camera-ready copy of accepted research proposals. However, the research proposals will not be published.
Mentors will be chosen based on the areas of accepted research proposals and will be announced later.
Credit, certificate and grants
It is recommended that students participating in the Doctoral Consortium will be awarded 2 credits, ECTS or equivalent, by their home department. Students will be presented with a certificate upon completed participation in the Doctoral Consortium.
If you have any enquiries regarding the Doctoral Consortium, please contact the chairs.
Hideo Joho (hideo at and Dmitriy Ignatov (dmitrii.ignatov at
ECIR 2013 Doctoral Consortium Chairs